Saturday, March 7, 2009

Daffodil Shoots

We saw daffodil shoots poking through in our front yard today!


  1. Can't find ours yet . . . could be the chickens ate them! I heard a very load woodpecker today on my run, couldn't find it though--I like to think I was running too fast, HA!

  2. Sorry, that is a "loud" woodpecker, not a "load" one!

  3. Our daffodils face south, so they may come before ones in less sunny locations.

    I heard and saw some loud woodpeckers in our yard today. Before today, I only associated drumming sounds with woodpeckers, but they were making a different kind of racket today. That made me realize how much I don't know about the kinds of sounds birds make!

  4. Last Friday, we were at Wingra park and saw a small 'flock' of woodpeckers. I think there were at least 5 or 6. And interestingly, there was one red bellied woodpecker in this group of downy (I think they were downy) woodpeckers - all flying up in the trees. Two of the downy woodpeckers were chasing each other like a courting dance of some sort. I was not able to watch over a long period because I was in the middle of a game of tag myself!

  5. That's neat! I've never seen a flock of woodpeckers. I usually just see one or two. My record was three (2 downys and 1 hairy)yesterday! Last Friday, I also heard and saw two woodpeckers making a racket I don't associate with woodpeckers.
